20160806 THANK GOD! 好事接二连三的感觉太好了。 实在是太感恩了。 这几天实在太忙,一直到现在才有时间记录下来。 一转眼,还剩一年就要毕业了。我学到了什么?说真的,我自己也不清楚。好像糊里糊涂就过了两年。虽然在弹奏方面,我自己是觉得有和以前大不相同,但好像也没有进步神速。接下来的一年不能再混了,真的要努力勤劳,希望可以亡羊补牢哈哈。 今年换了老师!真的很期待和她上课! In the blink of an eye, I've finally finished the first two years in Lasalle. One more year to go. What have I learnt? I'm not very sure actually. But I guess I really improved, comparing with my playing in 2013. Last year. I really hope I can improve and be a lot more hardworking. Also, I successfully changed my main study teacher to Christine Sham!! Really looking forward to having lesson with her:D 七月头的时候申请了当新加坡小学音乐老师。等啊等到花儿都谢了,就在前几天的时候,MOE终于打来了!超开心的,18号就要去面试了,不知道会怎么样呢……雨雯姐姐说这是一条漫长的路,但是不难。但愿一切都顺利吧! I applied for Diploma in Education in early July. Been waiting for it until few days ago, I finally received a call from MOE! They asked me to go for an interview on Aug 18. I'm now quite nervous about it, hope everything will go well. Yewoon said that it...