
Showing posts from July, 2016


"I found Christian going to church every Sunday is a very ironic thing." "Why?" "So God wants you guys to work for 6days and rest on the 7th day right? But you still have to go church and do so many things in church." "But it's supposed to be an enjoyable thing that'll bring us joy." "But are you happy? Cause I always hear complaints from you guys." 从来没有想过这个问题原来已经越发严重,就连身边的人也觉察了。 服事这条路,从开始的在台上伴唱,到弹keyboard,当司琴,参加诗班,当少团团长,当领唱,到现在还要负责安排敬拜团的服事表,一路走来,我的心情也改变了许多。从一开始的紧张,再来的喜乐,因着服事而带来的成长,一直演变到如今的疲惫与"显",有时甚至是烦躁生气。又或者,因为忙的关系而没有做最好的预备。 "I always hear complaints" 就像一记当头棒喝,直楞楞敲进心里。原来在别人的眼中,我是做得如此心不甘情不愿。 I guess it's time to change my attitude. It should be joyful instead of stressful. P/s: Thanks baby😅 For reminding me about this, indirectly haha


20160702 最近心情很糟糕,常常因为很小的事情就很难过、生气。我究竟是怎么了呢? 可能是因为很久没有好好灵修祷告了,越来越不知感恩;可能是因为工作上扰人的人与事;可能是因为没办法定时吃饭,也睡不够。 其实值得感恩的事情还是很多的吧。一直这样心情不好对身边的人应该很困扰。 Sorry if I made you worried. Been mentioning about wedding and marriage a lot recently. Not because 我想结婚了(绝对不是). I really want to have a "stable life", and being married seems to be the closest to a "stable life". But it's not possible for now since I'm too young. Can only keep praying on getting a room in Singapore, so that I can officially move my stuffs in. Being homeless and 游牧民族 isn't fun at all. I'm so tired of all these. 未来到底会怎样,我怎么忽然开始彷徨。